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15 Mary Barra Quotes That Will Inspire You to Lead With Passion and Purpose

Quotes / Women Leaders Quotes

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Mary Barra is one of the most powerful and successful businesswomen of today. She is the CEO and Chairman of General Motors (GM), one of the world’s largest and oldest automakers. She has led General Motors through a significant shift, from bankruptcy to recovery, innovation to sustainability, and diversity to leadership. Various magazines and organizations have also named her one of the most powerful and admired women in America. Today, we will look at some of the popular Mary Barra quotes.

In this article, we will specially tell you the 15 most inspirational and powerful Mary Barra quotes about leadership, innovation, management, work-life balance, and other issues. We will also explain the significance of each quote.

  1. “What I always say is, ‘Do every job you’re in like you’re going to do it for the rest of your life, and demonstrate that ownership of it’”

The meaning of this quote is that Mary believes that every job should be done with passion, dedication, and excellence as if it were your last. She also thinks that you should take responsibility for your work and show more care about it. By doing this, you will not only perform better but also enjoy your work more and feel more satisfied with your career.

  1. “I never want to get a job because I’m female. I want to get it because I earned it and I deserve it… Whether my hair is going to be blue or purple, people should be judged on how well they do the job and deliver results and whether they do it the right way. That’s how I like to be judged; most people are like that.”

This quote says that Barra does not want to be hired or promoted based on her gender but on her merit and performance. She believes that people should not be discriminated against or stereotyped based on their appearance but on their skills and ethics. She prefers to be evaluated by the same standards as everyone else, and she thinks that most people share this view.

  1. “Being a leader means you have to translate ideas into actions.”

This quote says that being a leader is not only about having a vision or a goal but also making it happen. A leader has to communicate their ideas clearly to others and inspire them to follow and support them. A leader has to plan and execute the steps that are necessary to achieve their desired outcome and overcome any obstacles or challenges along the way. A leader is someone who can turn thoughts into reality.

  1. “My advice on firing is simple: Treat that person the same way you’d want to be treated if you were in that situation. They’re still a good person, just not the right fit. So how do you help them move on in a productive way that allows them to maintain their dignity?”

This is one of the best Mary Barra quotes. In this quote, Mary Barra advises managers to be respectful and compassionate when they have to fire someone. She suggests that they should empathize with the person who is being fired and think about how they would feel in their place. She also reminds them that the person who is being fired is not bad, but just someone who does not match the expectations or requirements of the job. She encourages managers to help the person who is being fired find a new opportunity that suits them better and to preserve their self-esteem and reputation.

  1. “The biggest lesson I learned … If you have a problem, you’ve got to solve it. Because that problem is going to get bigger in six months. It could get bigger in two years. But it’s not going to get smaller with time.”

This quote says that Mary Barra learned that procrastinating or ignoring a problem is not a good strategy because the problem will only grow worse every time. She realized that the best way to deal with a problem is to face it and solve it as soon as possible before it becomes too big or complicated to handle.

  1. “If you speak up frequently and get shot down every time, you’re not going to be very motivated to keep speaking up.”

This is one of the most impactful Mary Barra quotes. This quote says that if you express your ideas and opinions often, you are always rejected or criticized by others, and you will lose your enthusiasm and confidence to continue sharing your thoughts. You feel discouraged and frustrated, and you may stop speaking altogether. The quote tells us about the psychological helplessness in such situations. Speaking up is important for your personal and professional growth, and you should not let others silence you and make you feel unworthy.

  1. “You get to a new position … You work really hard … And you earn people who are willing to support you … Because they see how hard you’re working … And they’re willing to extend a bit of their personal capital … To say … ‘Yes, I know so-and-so is going to do a great job in this new role.’”

Barra said this quote in an interview with the Stanford Graduate School of Business in 2014. In this quote, she describes her experience of climbing the corporate ladder and gaining the trust and respect of her colleagues and superiors. She explained that working hard is not enough to succeed in a new position; you also need to earn the support of others who can vouch for your abilities and potential. She suggests that working hard shows your commitment, dedication, and competence and inspires others to invest in your success. She also implied that working hard is a way of proving yourself and building your reputation in a new role.

  1. “I’m a big believer of work/life balance. You need a little down time to recharge to make sure that when you’re here, you’re really all here. I still have a child in high school, so I go to her sporting events, even if it means leaving work and working again when I get home. I probably should work out a little more than I do.”

In this quote, Mary Barra was expressing her views about work-life balance. Work-life balance is the ability to manage and enjoy both your personal and professional lives. She explained that a work-life balance requires the following:

  • Take some time off from work to relax, refresh your energy, and focus.
  • Being fully present and engaged in whatever you’re doing, whether it’s work or leisure.
  • Spending quality time with your family and supporting their interests and activities.
  • Take care of your health through regular exercise.

  1. “Creating an environment where everyone is comfortable bringing their whole selves to work is fundamental in driving business results.”

Barra’s quote reflects her belief that bringing your whole self to work is not only beneficial for yourself but also for your organization. She believed that by being authentic, vulnerable, open-minded, respectful, and supportive of others, you can create a culture where everyone feels valued, engaged, inspired, and motivated to achieve great results.

  • Take some time off from work to relax, refresh your energy, and focus.
  • Being fully present and engaged in whatever you’re doing, whether it’s work or leisure.
  • Spending quality time with your family and supporting their interests and activities.
  • Take care of your health through regular exercise.

  1. “You have to be honest with yourself and realistic about what you want to achieve.”

This quote by Mary Barra means that you should be honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses and realistic about your goals and expectations. Being honest with yourself can help you identify what you are good at and what you need to improve, and being realistic can help you set achievable goals that match your abilities and resources. By doing so, you can avoid being overconfident or underconfident and work towards your desired outcomes with confidence and determination.

  1. “My advice on firing is simple: Treat that person the same way you’d want to be treated if you were in that situation. They’re still a good person, just not the right fit. So how do you help them move on in a productive way that allows them to maintain their dignity?”

This is one of the best Mary Barra quotes. In this quote, Mary Barra advises managers to be respectful and compassionate when they have to fire someone. She suggests that they should empathize with the person who is being fired and think about how they would feel in their place. She also reminds them that the person who is being fired is not bad, but just someone who does not match the expectations or requirements of the job. She encourages managers to help the person who is being fired find a new opportunity that suits them better and to preserve their self-esteem and reputation.

  1. “Leaders must be open to listening and pushing back when necessary.”

Leaders must be open to listening and pushing back when necessary. Listening is a key skill for leaders, as it helps them understand the needs, perspectives, and feedback of others. By listening, leaders can build trust, rapport, and collaboration with their team members, customers, and stakeholders. Listening also helps leaders identify the problems, opportunities, and solutions for the organization’s benefit. Pushing back helps leaders defend and communicate their vision, values, and decisions, and challenges errors and biases.

  1. “You have to learn how to navigate the tough times because that’s when you really build character.”

The quote by Mary Barra means that you have to learn to navigate tough times because that’s when you build character. Navigating tough times means facing challenges, difficulties, and uncertainties with courage, resilience, and optimism. It also means learning from your mistakes, failures, and setbacks and using them as opportunities to grow and improve. Building character means developing your moral values, principles, and virtues that guide your actions and decisions. It also means being honest, responsible, compassionate, and respectful towards others and yourself.

  1. “You have to be willing to think differently and challenge the status quo.”

Mary Barra said this quote in a Fortune magazine interview in 2016. The quote says that to be a good leader, you have to be open-minded and willing to try new things. You have to think differently from what others expect or do and challenge the status quo. The status quo is an existing way of doing things that may not be the best or most efficient. By thinking differently, you can find better solutions, improve processes, or create new opportunities.

  1. “Sometimes the best solutions come from the most unexpected places.”

This quote by Mary means that sometimes the best solutions to problems or opportunities come from unexpected sources or perspectives. It means that you should not limit yourself to what you already know or think, but rather open up to new ideas or possibilities. It also means that you should not judge others but rather appreciate their unique contributions or insights.

Mary Barra is an amazing leader who has demonstrated the power of enthusiasm, hard work, teamwork, innovation, diversity, and empowerment. She has also given her knowledge on how to balance our personal and professional lives, overcome obstacles, and achieve our goals. We hope that these Mary Barra quotes inspire you to pursue your aspirations and make a difference in the world.

Sushmita Nibandhe

ALSO READ: 15 Successful Woman Quotes celebrating their Genius


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