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Bianca Barbu: A Brilliant Brain behind Telematics and Mobility

Women leadership is influential and is leading at the forefront by making a mark on the world. The pioneers of women’s leadership are rooted in the USA and the entire world is taking inspiration to bring change. Moreover, leadership has returned to its roots to strengthen women in several parts of the world. As leaders, women are excellent decision-makers, and often are the reasons behind profitable businesses. A great women leader possesses a characteristic such as the power of listening, coupled with the courage of being vulnerable and empathetic. Among various notable leaders in the USA, Bianca Barbu (CMO, CANGO) is a remarkable leader who is the brilliant brain behind the success of telematics and mobility businesses. 

A Way to Success – Hard Work

Bianca started her career at a very young age. When she was 16, she was already working as a sales representative for a cosmetic company. Later, when she turned 18, she had a team of 20 people to coordinate. Bianca studied Finance, Banks, and Stock Exchange in the Faculty. She was always fascinated by the marketing and communication world. As she had a keen interest in marketing, she pursued a Master’s degree in Marketing and Business Communication.

“Looking back on my career it looks like I have always taken the hard way and learned things by myself with hard work,” says Bianca. There were many moments when employers told her not to become something that she is not. On the contrary, this motivated her a lot and stayed in her subconscious mind for a long time. It pushed her to do things that other people could not believe she was capable of; even her parents. 

Mentorship – Polishing the Skills 

According to Bianca, a good mentor should be available, a good listener, and willing to accept other people’s opinions. Along with that, a mentor should offer freedom to explore and expose new ideas. She read lots of books, underwent various courses, and participated in different conferences. “They helped, but nothing helped me as real life and real business,” says Bianca. Further, she adds that besides CANGO Mobility Management, she has experienced and achieved a lot.

Bianca appreciates the CEO for offering her trust and space to present her ideas and put them into the application. The CEO never criticized or laughed at her concepts and implementations. She was never punished despite her repeated attempts to understand the matter.

CANGO – One-stop Solution

CANGO Mobility is a small company situated in Bucharest, Romania, and has projects and partners all over the world. With over 20 years of experience in measurement and signal vehicle processing, the company is a one-stop solution and number-one partner for vehicle solutions. The company offers high flexibility, responsibility, and extensive customer support to its clients. It adheres to its core values, such as innovation, availability, customer dedication, background, and commitment to deliver. The company’s efforts and exceptional services are appreciable and it has been awarded for its work. Frost and Sullivan awarded CANGO for innovation and customer value. Furthermore, the company has also been awarded the best Telematic and Fleet Management solution with a revolutionary approach for the Telematics industry.

Unique Approach, Different Solutions

According to Bianca, the competition in the vehicle solutions industry is tough and in the past few years, the pandemic has changed the paradigm and focus. Bianca believes reaching the top is not hard. The most important and hardest part of this industry is maintaining the top position. And CANGO Mobility is one such company that has been working with innovative ideas for over 10 years.

It offers solutions in Fleet management and Mobility, including TPMS Information, Canibus, and FMS Data, Real-time Driver Behavior, Smart City and Smart Mobility, Customized Solutions, and much more. The company has a unique approach to offering different solutions and knowledge without using CANGO hardware. It licenses the knowledge and IP in any other third-party devices. After the pandemic, numerous companies are facing electronics components shortages. In this chaos, CANGO has been successful in withstanding the race with its game-changer unique technique. As a result, the company can even retrofit the existing solutions.

Women in Men’s World

In Bianca’s opinion, she is a woman in a men-dominated world. “Sometimes, I feel strange but not in the way of being ashamed as in how I have more knowledge and I know more information of details about the industry than some men,” expresses Bianca. Being at the helm, Bianca has lots of responsibilities. She takes care of the marketing and sales activity of the company. She thinks and plans strategies for the company that is important concerning the market, target audience, legislation, etc.

In fact, Bianca wishes to know everything before thinking or designing something. “It took me some time to get the courage to stand up and or even talk in this industry and now I know that I can count on my judgment and ideas,” says Bianca. Moreover, she expresses her joy for being opted for CMO of the year. Along with her success, the company has received many recognitions in the industry and the brand has great notoriety for telematics. For women empowerment, Bianca has implemented constructive strategies such as ‘Read-learn-listen-think and start with a smile.’

Conquering the Challenges

Bianca adds that there were some projects that did not have the expected results she dreamed of. However, she has learned from her mistakes and gained a lot of experience. Bianca explains that if she doesn’t like some concepts, then such incidents trigger her to change and build better concepts. She sheds light on the fact that if everything would have been nice and easy, then she would not have had any experiences and thrived to become better.

As nobody is born a leader, the first step to becoming a leader is respect- Self-respect and respect for others. It is then added with availability to coach and assist. Acknowledgment is also very important and Bianca received a great comment from her team. An employee thanked her for all the things learned from her and congratulated her for being a great leader. This shows that being a part of a team as a member and leading the team with respect is vital.

CANGO is the Innovation

Bianca shares the culture and core values of the company:

  1. Each person in the project involved knows every detail of the project, its clients, and its implications.
  2. Everyone is 100% in and ready to present at any point in the timetable including offering details and information about the full project.
  3. Everyone works in teams. The company has a strong base after it added young engineers and business enablers.
  4. The company has refused no project or client so far.
  5. It is known for commitment, dedication, and speed of reaction.

Work-life Balance

It is said that when you love what you do, you do not feel like working,” quotes Bianca. Though she loves her work, she has to disconnect from her work to get back her energy. For that, she spends time in nature and traveling.


“Ladies, keep up the good work! You are stronger than you even think you are! Trust yourself and do not be self-sufficient and superficial!”



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