Arne Morris Sorenson was a true fighter, as he volunteered and lead many fights for the justice of society. His strong beliefs and endearing personality, made him a great leader that people followed. Arne was the CEO of Marriott for almost a decade and also was the first executive outside of the Marriott family to lead the company. He never showed his back to any fight as he inspired others until the last moments of his life. Any cancer in the world could not be able to wipe out the ideas, teaching, and beliefs that we have put together to evoke the inner leader within you. we hope these Arne Sorenson Quotes will give you that external push to satisfy your first law of inspiration.
Top 10 Arne Sorenson Quotes:
- “We love doing deals, but the deals need to make sense.”
- “What we can do is to bring out the best in society and the best in each of us.”

- “Long-term growth will be delivered if your workforce is happy, your brands are strong and you are doing business in a way that your customers and the community expect you to do business.”
- “The impact on people’s lives will be profound. We’ve got to find a way to get through this together. We will, ultimately.”

- “You’re in somebodies extra bedroom or house that they’ve left behind … You can talk to people who are there who will say —here’s my favorite restaurant.”
- “Remain optimistic. This crisis will pass. But not before we work together as a global community to find common solutions.”

- “The notion that you can businesses somehow that they are free to discriminate against people because of who they are is madness.”
- “A big part of our people-first culture is treating people with respect and transparency.”

- “There is a strong and growing consumer demand for premium and luxury properties in the all-inclusive category. The addition of the Elegant portfolio will help us future jumpstart our expansion in the all-inclusive space”
- “The first message was about inclusiveness and that we continue to respect a world in which people are different.”

Sorenson served as a director on the boards of Microsoft Corporation and Walmart as well as a member of the Special Olympics board. No doubt, people saw him as a good and visionary leader with a flamboyant personality. His revolutionary business ideas were reflected through his actions and speeches, some of which we have quoted for you to get motivated. Arne Sorenson set an example that passion and hard work can take you places that you have only dreamed of. He taught us the actual meaning of strength and fighting difficulties in our life. We hope these Arne Sorenson quotes evoke that inner fighter within you.
Also read: 15 John F. Kennedy Quotes on Leadership, Life, and Society