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5 Fundamental Women Rights in the USA you should know

Blog / Women Leaders Blog

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Equality and non-discrimination are at the heart of human rights. Women’s rights are the entitlements that promote social progress and better standards of life. However, most of the time, society is not even aware of them and despite a promise of equal treatment and respect, women still run the war against patriarchy, misogyny, and inequality. To win this fight, understanding the elemental aspects of the law is very important. Through in-depth research and study, we make an attempt to present before you the 5 fundamental women rights that will empower women.

1. Right to keep Anonymity   


Combating domestic violence and public assault is extremely difficult for women. The right to keep anonymity ensures women’s free expression and privacy rights. Under this right, women can record their statements alone in front of the district magistrate. They have the right to record it in front of a lady constable, if not comfortable with the district magistrate. This makes sure that the victim of domestic violence and sexual harassment receive justice with fewer barriers and within time constraints.

2. Reproductive Rights


Women are gifted with the ability to give birth and it is their fundamental right to have the freedom of deciding to reproduce or not. It also includes the right to choose their preferred method of family planning and contraception. Reproductive rights are instrumental to achieving health goals and contribute to protecting the dignity of women. They include the decision regarding childbearing and address the abortion issues to avoid unwanted pregnancies in teenagers.    

3. Right to Equal Pay for Equal Work



Worldwide, women only make 77 cents for every dollar earned by men. Gender Imparity is observed when women are paid unequally for the same post as compared to men. This unreasonable discrimination and inequality of income result in the retirement of women into poverty. The right to equal pay for equal work prevents the demoralization of employed women and sends a positive message from organizations to make women stay devoted and loyal to the company. Hence, remuneration based on work performance rather than gender cultivates the affirmative nature of work ethics.

4. Right to Maternity Benefits   



Motherhood is the best period of a woman’s life and she must enjoy it without any work issues. However, about 23 percent of employed women in the U.S. return to work within just 10 days of giving birth. As maternity benefit provisions ensure better health of child and mother as well as societal benefits, paid maternity leaves are of the utmost importance in women’s lives. They impact positively in the form of enhanced labor-force attachment, wage stability, and a lesser need for public welfare expenditure. Maternity benefits include health insurance for pregnancies, labor, and delivery provided with significant paid leaves before and after childbirth.

5. Right against Sexual Harassment at Workplace  



Sexual harassment in the workplace is a violation of women’s fundamental right to equality and right to be treated with dignity. Under the right against sexual harassment at the workplace, it is mandatory for employers to provide grievance redress facilities for the victims of sexual harassment. It ensures time-bound treatment of the complaint. Women are safeguarded with such crucial rights so that they can work peacefully at the office. This right contributes to encouraging women’s participation at work, which is quite basic for the social and economic growth of the country. 

Final Thoughts

Women are the better half of society and their contribution is priceless. Despite numerous hurdles and difficulties, they stand and fight against the odds. Government and welfare societies work together for the upliftment of women with the help of powerful women’s rights. These rights not only provide them easy access to economic and social resources but also empower them at the political level. Moreover, they enable them to increase their participation in decision-making and become strong leaders. These 5 fundamental women rights are essential to empower women to achieve social harmony and fulfill the goal of gender equality.

Trupti Munde

ALSO READ: 15 Quotes for Independent Women Honoring their Feminism


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