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Diamond Mine in Arkansas


Explore 10 Hidden Shiny Facts About Diamond Mine in Arkansas

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Imagine stumbling upon a shiny gem that turns out to be a real diamond — sounds like a fairytale, right? Well, not in Arkansas! This state is not just rich in natural beauty but also in diamonds, making it a hidden gem, quite literally. Now, get this: the diamond mine in Arkansas isn’t just a spectacle to behold; it’s a treasure trove where you can play miner for a day and maybe find a sparkler to call your own.

Back in 1906, the first diamond discovery sparked a “diamond rush,” transforming Arkansas into a dazzling hotspot. And here’s the kicker: at Crater of Diamonds State Park, you’re not just sightseeing; you’re on a mission to hunt for your very own diamond. So, grab your gear, and let’s dig into the sparkling world of the diamond mine in Arkansas — who knows, you might just hit the jackpot!

Crater of Diamonds State Park, a 911-acre park in Arkansas, is famous for its 37.5-acre plowed field – one of the few diamond-bearing sites open to the public. For a comfortable visit, the park offers amenities like picnic areas and water fountains. While open year-round, spring and fall offer pleasant weather.

Well, it is more fun to know about the Crater of Diamonds State Park by actually visiting it, so now you must be wondering what this blog is going to offer to you.

In this blog, we’ll dig out some of the most intriguing facts about Crater of Diamonds State Park, which is a very popular diamond mine in Arkansas and also in the world. Let’s mine in!

Fact 1: Historical Marker

Historical Marker

Starting right up with the historical marker at the diamond mine in Arkansas. Tucked away at coordinates 34°1′59″N 93°40′13″W, you’ll find a historical marker that’s more than just a signpost. It’s a nod to the spot where diamonds first sparkled on the surface, catching the eye of a farmer kicking off a full-blown “diamond rush.” He soon became known as the “Diamond King,” and his land became the stuff of legends. Before it was a marker, this was just another patch of earth — until those shiny stones turned it into a symbol of dreams.

Today, this marker stands as a tribute to the earth’s glittering bounty and the diamond mine in Arkansas that started it all. It’s not just a piece of history; it’s a symbol of the natural wealth beneath our feet. And while the diamond rush is a tale of the past, the marker ensures the story — and the search for precious gems — continues into the future.

Fact 2: The “Uncle Sam” Diamond

The Uncle Sam diamond not only boasts the title of the largest diamond found in the U.S. but also carries a tale as grand as its size. In 1924, they discovered this gem, which tipped the scales at a hefty 40.23 carats before they cut it. Is it home? None other than Murfreesboro, Arkansas, at what was then the Prairie Creek pipe mine and is now the famed Crater of Diamonds State Park.

This whopper of a diamond was named after its finder’s nickname, Wesley Oley Basham, affectionately known as “Uncle Sam”. The stone’s journey didn’t end there; it underwent a transformation at the hands of expert cutters, emerging as a dazzling 12.42-carat emerald-cut gem. Today, the Uncle Sam diamond resides at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History, sharing its sparkle alongside other legendary gems.

Fact 3: Amarillo Starlight Diamond

Amarillo Starlight Diamond

The Amarillo Starlight diamond’s tale is as captivating as its sparkle. Unearthed in 1975 by W.W. Johnson, a visitor from Texas, this gem was a showstopper at a whopping 16.37 carats. It wasn’t just any find; it was the largest diamond a park visitor had discovered since the diamond mine in Arkansas opened its gates to the public in 1972.

Fast forward, and the Amarillo Starlight transformed. The stone cutter cut it from its original impressive weight to create a stunning 7.54-carat marquise, a shape known for its boat-like elegance. This gem’s journey from the soil of Arkansas to a cut of such finesse is a testament to the park’s unique offerings. And let’s not forget, this diamond’s value has been estimated to be between $150,000 and $175,000 — talk about striking it rich!

Fact 4: Local Legends

Whispers of the past echo through the diamond mine in Arkansas, where local lore is as rich as the soil. At Crater of Diamonds State Park, tales weave through the pines, hinting at hidden treasures and mystical powers. These stories passed down through generations, speak of Native Americans who once roamed these lands, valuing the sparkling stones for more than their beauty.

No map marks the spot, but legend has it, that a lost mine brimming with diamonds lies waiting beneath the park’s surface. Treasure hunters and dreamers alike are captivated by these tales, even though they aren’t etched in the annals of history. Each visitor to the park adds a thread to the tapestry of legends, hoping to uncover a piece of the truth buried beneath their feet.

Fact 5: Diamonds with Inclusions

Diamonds with Inclusions

At the Crater of Diamonds State Park, each diamond tells a story, not just through its sparkle but through its inclusions. These tiny minerals, trapped during the diamond’s formation, are like nature’s time capsules. They give each gem a unique fingerprint, a narrative of its journey from deep within the Earth.

Inclusions are fascinating for gemologists because they reveal the conditions under which diamonds formed. Some might see them as flaws, but in truth, they’re proof of authenticity, setting apart the real deal from synthetic stones. And let’s be real, finding a diamond with its own quirks? That’s like hitting the geological jackpot!

Fact 6: Diamond “Colors”

The Crater of Diamonds State Park is a kaleidoscope of hues. While white diamonds are the most common, accounting for over 60% of finds, the park also gifts its visitors with brown and yellow diamonds, which make up 20% and less than 20% respectively.

Now, let’s talk about science. The colors in diamonds come from the unique way light dances inside them. Each hue bends and reflects differently, creating that mesmerizing sparkle. It’s all about the speed of light slowing down as it zips through the diamond’s tight crystalline structure.

Impurities like nitrogen and boron, or even structural anomalies, can give diamonds their distinct colors. These natural additives are what make each stone at the park a one-of-a-kind find. So, while you’re digging for that perfect diamond, remember, you’re not just uncovering a gem; you’re unveiling a piece of Earth’s colorful artistry.

Fact 7: Crater of Diamonds “Folklore”

Crater of Diamonds “Folklore”

Nestled in the heart of Arkansas, the Crater of Diamonds State Park is shrouded in tales as rich as the soil. One such yarn spins around a quirky tradition: victorious gem hunters inscribing their triumphs on a park rock. While solid evidence for this practice is as elusive as a clear-cut diamond, the whispers among locals keep the legend alive.

This custom, though not officially recorded, is said to have started in the early years of the park’s fame. It’s a nod to the human need to leave a mark, to say, “I was here, and I found treasure.” Whether true or not, this folklore adds a layer of mystique to the diamond mine in Arkansas, inviting dreamers to not just seek diamonds but also become part of the park’s living history.

Fact 8: Strawn-Wagner Diamond

In the heart, there’s a gem named the Strawn-Wagner Diamond reigns supreme. This stunner snagged the “Triple Zero” grade from the American Gem Society, a title that crowns it as the epitome of perfection in cut, color, and clarity.

Now, let’s break it down: “Triple Zero” means the diamond hits the jackpot in all grading categories — it’s like scoring straight A’s in the gem world. They’re astronomically slim, akin to finding a needle in a haystack the size of a city.

The science behind this grading is meticulous, scrutinizing how light plays within the diamond’s facets, its hue, and the absence of internal blemishes. It’s a rigorous dance of physics and artistry, ensuring only the crème de la crème gets the coveted “Triple Zero” status.

Fact 9: Diamond Dogs

Diamond Dogs

There’s a tail-wagging tale that’s been fetching attention. It’s said that trained Labrador Retrievers have a nose for treasure, sniffing out diamonds among the dirt. While this might sound like a gem of a story or rather a cherished local myth.

These diamond-detecting dogs may be able to smell certain gases emitted by diamonds, as diamonds are carbon-based. These dogs have a sense of smell that is thousands of times more sensitive than ours, so it’s reasonable to imagine them pinpointing precious stones.

However, the evidence for this diamond-sniffing practice might not be as officially documented in any books, but the belief persists.

Fact 10: Not a Get Rich Quick Scheme

The diamond mine in Arkansas offers a glittering adventure, but it’s not your shortcut to becoming a millionaire. Since the Crater of Diamonds State Park opened its gates in 1972, it’s seen about 3 million visitors, with roughly 30,000 diamonds found. That’s a tiny fraction!

But in the past few years, the park has attracted an annual average of 150,000 to 200,000 visitors. While the park’s charm suggests these numbers will hold steady. As for revenue, with entry fees of $15 for anyone 13 and over, and $7 for children 6 to 12, the park surely adds a sparkle to Arkansas’ economy. Children 5 and under can search for free.

Looking ahead, the park is expected to continue drawing crowds. After all, who can resist the dream of taking out a hidden gem? While projections are as uncertain as finding a diamond in the rough, the park’s future shines bright.


As we wrap up our journey through facts of this diamond mine in Arkansas, let’s remember: while the thrill of the hunt is undeniable, striking it rich is a rare gem of an outcome. With over 3 million hopefuls visiting since 1972, and only about 30% of diamonds to show up, the odds are akin to finding a needle in a haystack.

Yet, the real treasure lies in the experience — the stories etched in memory, the family bonds forged under the Arkansas sun, and the joy of discovery at the Crater of Diamonds State Park. So, come for the diamonds, stay for the adventure, and leave with memories that outshine even the most brilliant diamond.

So are you ready to mine out the experience? Visit  Crater of Diamonds State Park and let your story unfold at this unique diamond mine in Arkansas.

Tejas Tahmankar


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