Known for his, “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari book series”, Robin Sharma is one of the most impacting and bestselling authors of this generation. The touch of philosophy he carries in his writing makes it more compelling for his readers. His book, “The leader who had no title” is an exceptional conveyance of how one can be their best version, and a leader, without being labeled as one. In this blog, we will look at 15 leadership quotes from Robin Sharma that will stimulate you to excel.
15 Leadership quotes from Robin Sharma
- “To be a great leader, first, become a great person.”
- “When you go to your limits, your limits will expand.”
- “Leaders without a Title brilliantly balance being compassionate with being courageous.”

- “The most successful business people and the greatest organizations stick to the fundamentals rather than make things too complicated. Business is a vehicle to help other human beings.”
- “All leaders without a title constantly flex their minds and elevate their abilities by consistently asking themselves “What can I improve today?”

- “Leaders are individuals who do things that failure aren’t willing to do – even though they might not like doing them either.”
- “Change is hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle, and best at the end.”
- “Your “I CAN” is more important than your IQ.”

- “The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master.”
- “Big people don’t make people feel small.”
- “Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.”

- “All great thinkers are initially ridiculed–and eventually revered.”
- “Happiness is a journey, not a destination.”
- “Worry drains the mind of its power and, sooner or later, it injures the soul”

- “Never regret your past. Rather, embrace it as the teacher that it is.”
That sums up the leadership quotes from Robin Sharma. We hope these quotes impact you to excel as a great human being with great leadership qualities.
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