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5 Powerful Women Shaping the Face of US Politics


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As voters prepare for the final showdown between Trump and Biden this November, media attention is increasingly shifting to the dynamic women who now constitute 48% of cabinet positions and more than 20% of Capitol Hill.

From war heroes to groundbreakers in the realm of gender equality, female lawmakers and politicians are transforming US politics for the better.

In this article we follow up on our coverage of top female US business leaders to profile five dynamic women on both sides of the political spectrum.

Stacey Abrams

Joe Biden’s electoral college win in Georgia back in 2020 wouldn’t have happened without the ingenious strategy of one woman: Stacy Abrams.

With a knack for voter engagement and her finger on the pulse of issues that resonate with African American voters, Abrams is making her presence felt in the Peach State – and not only as Biden’s strategist.

In 2018 she almost won the state gubernatorial race against Republican Brian Kemp, after serving six successful years as the Democrats’ Minority Leader in the Georgia House of Representatives.

Abrams has campaigned on a variety of issues including expanding Medicaid, combating voter suppression, and a broad range of liberal policies.

Tammy Duckworth

A former National Guard lieutenant colonel, Purple Heart recipient, double amputee, and Democrat senate member, Tammy Duckworth is proof that adversity only propels dynamic women forward in the US political arena.

As the world of presidential elections betting finds itself fixated on Joe Biden (+450) and Donald Trump (+260), we could picture an alternative candidate. If Duckworth did enter the presidential race, she could potentially position herself as a fresher face and unifying voice compared to Biden and Trump, both of whom are in their late 70s. She truly provides a refreshing example of heroism and dedication to serving her country above all else.

While serving in the Iraq war, Duckworth was severely injured when her Blackhawk helicopter crashed, and lost both legs to amputation.

After recovering, she obtained permission to continue serving in the armed forces for a further 10 years, attaining the rank of lieutenant colonel in the National Guard.

Upon her return to civilian life, she won election to the Senate and was the first female member to bring her baby to the floor the day after legislation allowing for this was passed.

Ilhan Omar

America is a country built on the successes of immigrants, and Ilhan Omar is a shining example of what dynamic women around the world can achieve in the United States.

The 41-year-old, who has Somali American roots, is currently a Democrat member of the House of Representatives for Minnesota. Omar is a huge advocate of migrant rights and gender equality. 

When Bernie Sanders put forward the proposal for free education and student debt relief, Omar was one of the first vocal advocates to promote these policies. She has stuck consistently to this position over the years as she fights for broader student relief for all Americans.

Liz Cheney

As a Republican, heavy hitter, Liz Cheney has rubbed shoulders with every major member of the GOP, including current presidential candidate Donald Trump. But unlike many of her colleagues, she has never made a secret of her reservations about the former real estate mogul and his ambitions to become president yet again.

Cheney practiced law for many years before making her foray into politics. As a conservative representative, she rose to the position of chair of the House Republican Conference, one of the most powerful positions in the party, until resigning in 2021.

There has been speculation that Cheney’s differences of opinion with Trump may have led to her departure.

As the daughter of former US vice president Dick Cheney, she has a great amount of Republican pedigree and has been described by some commentators as Republican royalty.

The late Cheyney senior’s influence may be seen in her foreign policy positions, including her opposition to the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and a flat out rejection of Trump’s America first policy.

Katie Britt

When Joe Biden gave his State of the Union address this year, a little-known Republican by the name of Katie Britt took the floor to respond on behalf of the GOP.

Her rousing and well-argued rebuttal of the President in an election year ensured that she didn’t stay obscure for long.

The 42-year-old is not only the first female representative to be elected senate from Alabama but is also the youngest member ever elected.

With an impressive business background, she is making her mark on Senate politics and is rumored to be near the top of Trump’s list as a running mate in November’s election.

Britt’s pro-life, conservative agenda has won her fans across the Republican spectrum even if Democrats are quick to criticize her positions and relative newcomer status in the Senate.


Despite the media limelight being dominated by Trump vs. Biden, the influence of powerful female politicians in Washington DC is undeniable.

From Tammy Duckworth’s heroism to Liz Cheyney’s Republican traditionalism and the inspiring message behind Ilhan Omar’s career and life story, the current cohort of dynamic female politicians is giving hope to a voting public that is searching for inspiration and fresh leadership.

As the female leaders we showcased in this article continue their impressive performance, it wouldn’t be surprising to see one of them – or even two – facing off for the presidency in years to come.

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